A Word To Believers Everywhere
Tomorrow (January 20, 2009) is a historic day. It will be the 43rd time we have seen a peaceful transfer of Presidential power from one administration to another. From George Washington to George Bush, we have seen the operation of our Nation continue under the leadership of unique and dedicated men, whose success is judged by history many years after their control of the awesome power of the Presidency has ended. Now we will watch and wait as history ultimately includes Barak Obama in its memories.
His message has been somewhat unique, and if you will allow me, I want to refit a challenge to believers everywhere similar to the challenge he has made to the American people.
In an Associated Press story by Ben Feller, I read these words: “The run-up to Obama’s inauguration, like his election itself, has been defined by enormous public enthusiasm, carefully choreographed events and a lofty spirit of unity. What awaits, as Obama often reminds the nation, is many months, if not years, of tough work. ‘I am asking you to make a lasting commitment to make better the lives of your fellow Americans — a commitment that must endure beyond one day, or even one presidency. At this moment of great challenge and great change, I am asking you to play your part; to roll up your sleeves and join in the work of remaking this nation.'”
I am asking believers everywhere to continue with enormous enthusiasm their work, their worship and their obedience to the Truth of Scripture, all the while maintaining a lofty spirit of unity. Be alert that what lies ahead in this great Nation and around the World is a lifetime of sacrifice, servanthood and tough work. I am asking you to make a lasting commitment to be a vessel God uses to change the World through the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord— a commitment that must endure every day, throughout your lifetime. At this moment of great challenge and great change, I am asking you to do your part; to roll up your sleeves and join in the work of building the Body of Christ, till we all come to the measure of His stature.