Since I am a member of a local congregation of believers (normally referred to as a Church), I sometime feel the sting of being “painted with the same brush” when all “church folks” are called hypocrites. I am glad we are finally getting some company for the name calling.
Don’t you think it is a bit hypocritical to complain that the President of a “major company” would spend a million bucks on refurbishing his office with “tax money” while the President of the United States spends (or allows to be spent) 170 million tax payer dollars (give or take a few bucks) on taking the oath of office? Isn’t it somewhat hypocritical that the Executive branch of government issues a declaration (or whatever it is) limiting a company which is getting tax payer monies from paying it’s top executives, some of whom, at least, are keeping the Nation’s businesses profitable, more than $500,000 per year, while Congress takes tax payer monies without any limits for their own salaries and benefits, not to mention, pensions, projects, perks, and pork?
I could go on. . .but you get the message. Not all the hypocrites are in Church on Sunday.