Only the Government Can Save Us
I watched with intensity President Obama’s first news conference. His campaign speech from the teleprompter at the beginning was typical for him. He reads well. But, in my opinion, he messed up big time when he took questions from the reporters in the room.
It was clear he did not know the answers. It was clear he could only ramble on (a thirteen minute “no answer” to the first question), attempting to think of words that wouldn’t hurt him later, but the thought to word process was painfully slow and demonstrated the reality that he’s the most inexperienced and consequently unprepared person, perhaps in all of history, to assume the Presidency – but. . . as he keeps reminding us, he won. (Also, is it my imagination or have we ever heard another President use the words “I,” “me,” “my,” “mine,” more? Personally, I would like to hear a “we,” and “our” once in a while.)
We thought we would get some insight and/or clarity this morning from the Treasury Department. Tim Parapis of Associated Press put it this way: Geithner’s [Secretary of the Treasury] speech “basically puts a spotlight on the fact that the government has no idea how to fix the problem,” said Jeff Buetow, senior portfolio manager at Portfolio Management Consultants.
President Obama said that only the Government can save the economy now. If his “stimulus package” doesn’t pass the Congress, or if it doesn’t work like it is supposed to (which of course it won’t), well, to paraphrase what seems to be his thinking, and appears to be the consensus of a slim majority of Congress, we’re done for.
Maybe we need to go higher up. Maybe the President is not the final word. Can you imagine what would happen if we discovered that the only one who can save us from ourselves, and our foolish way, and our greed and selfishness which has brought us to this point, is God. One thing is for sure. He doesn’t stumble over his thoughts and words, and His plan is perfect.