Seeing Hell Through the Dust
I have been known to say, “It’s hard to see Hell through the dust kicked up by the multitude headed that way.” I guess I am late to the discovery, but I just today become knowledgeable regarding a “dating service” for married folks. I won’t share the name of the website with you because I don’t want to support their business (over 3 and one-half million members according to their statistics) which carries the banner – “Life is short; Have an affair.”
The only reason I mention it at all is because it is another “nail in the coffin” of this once great Nation. God has rules (I know we hate ‘rules’). How long will He tolerate our sinfulness and our public promotion of sinful behavior? I know men and women have been having “affairs” since the beginning of time — but give me a break. Do we have to make an industry out of it?
I am beginning to believe this economic crisis we are experiencing is not a random, every several years, correction in the market. Rather I believe more fully each day that everything is coming together for a total collapse of the United States as we know it. Let’s pray that I am proven wrong. Our sinfulness as a society is growing by leaps and bounds. It is as if our collective conscience has been seared to the point where anything goes. Surely God’s final judgement could not be far away.