Thought For The Day

The Best Thing

It will be a while before I decide who I will support for President of the United States in 2017. I do find a couple of things of great interest. The Democratic side of the question appears to be pretty much settled, but the Republicans are still at it – tooth and nail.

What interests me right now is that the top two in the Republican line up are so different.

GOP presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson are tied for the top spot in the Iowa primary with 27% of the vote, according to a new CBS News poll, the latest to show the two competing for the nomination. They also hold the top spots in New Hampshire and South Carolina. (TIME)

Donald Trump is vociferous, loud, proud of his financial status, and willing to insult almost anyone who dares to cross him, and claims to be a Christian, but doesn’t act much like one. Ben Carson is unassuming, quiet,  apparently gentle, refuses to get involved in name-calling and mud-slinging, claims to be a Christian and acts like one. (Editor’s note: Has there ever been a President who didn’t claim to be a Christian?)

They are very much alike in another way that interests me even more.

(They) have little political experience and have never held elective office. (IBID.)

And that is the best point of all. Neither is caught up in the nightmare that is Washington, D. C. politics. Neither is controlled by a political party, or beholden to others because of past favors. They enter the fray the way some believe (including me) the founders of America though was right and best – ordinary men, leaving home and work, to serve the Country for a period of time before returning to home and work. Was the last person to be in that position George Washington?

I don’t know what either of those two thing portends for the future of our Nation. But it is interesting because I can’t remember it ever being possible that some one might get elected to the highest office in the land under those particular circumstances. No previous candidate (in my lifetime)  has spoken and behaved like Trump or Carson. Few, if any, have come to the office so clean in political history. If either one succeed in getting the nomination, it will be very interesting. And if one of them is elected, maybe we (read: America) will get some GOOD change for a change.


One Comment

  • dp

    We can only hope for some “good” change. I say hope because for the last two cycles, we have “won” the Offices that should have already made the changes.
    And I like your “Get Some” term…maybe we need to tell them to go “Get some!” 🙂

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