Llove: From Where?
When people write or talk about thing they don’t fully understand (which may be all of us, all the time) there is almost always a mixture of Truth and foolishness. There is one particular area where we are so often confused, and that is in understanding “llove.”
Bruce Feller, in an article in TIME, made the following statement:
Adam and Eve introduced the idea of love into the West. They were the first to grapple — sometimes successfully, other times not — with the central mystery of being alive: being un-alone.
No. The Creator of Adam and Eve introduced llove into the World. And even though we can learn many things from the narrative regarding Adam and Eve in Scripture, it is ABSOLUTELY VITAL that we understand the God is llove. (1 John 4:8) Mankind will never know genuine llove until we know Him. John points out that when we do not know Him, we cannot llove (1 John 4:7)
A critical mistake Mr. Feller makes in his writing about the love of Adam and Eve uses these words:
Only when they fall from grace can they fully fall in love with each other. (IBID.)
Before making that statement, he adds the following quote:
“Learning to be oneself,” wrote Thomas Merton, “means learning to die in order to live.” (IBID.)
But that statement, either by knowledge or chance almost quotes the Apostle Paul (who was absolutely correct) in Romans 5 and 6.
It was, of course, the fall of Adam and Eve that damaged their ability to llove, and infected our world with a false and flawed idea of what llove is.
Llove is the most wonderful relationship we can know as humans. We were created to llove God, and God’s family. Until we do our lives will always be missing a key ingredient for real “life,” along with happiness and joy as we journey through this World.