Thought For The Day


I continue to be amazed that there is such a stir about Halloween. With all the mayhem in our Country, and the clear recognition that children are the product of their environment, why would such a foolish day/night exist in our would-be peaceful society?

There is nothing to be gained from a rehash of all the problems associated with this “celebration.” I am embarrassed that the Church of Jesus Christ participates in such foolishness, at any level. We are called and designed to be different from the World. . .yet we often join in its practices with abandon.

A popular “alternative” for the “church” is Trunk or Treat. Having been around a few of those things, they seem no different at all except they sometimes keep some of the kids off the dangerous streets, and away from houses where it is quite possible children might be harmed.

It is easy to say. . .”there’s no harm in it.” Really? Are you sure? Does it matter?


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