Thought For The Day


There’s a difference between concern regarding the issues of life, and stressing over the vagaries of our day to day path through this World. Some folks have yet to get a clear understanding of how we are to live according to God’s Word.

The American Psychological Association (APA) just released the results of its annual Stress in America survey, which revealed that the biggest stressor Americans face is the state of the U.S. The APA surveyed 3,440 American adults in August, and 63% of them said the future of the nation is a “very” or “somewhat” significant source of stress. (TIME)

In addition, more than half of Americans say that the present day is the worst period of American history that they can remember. (IBID.)

I will admit that “things” are very wrong in our Nation, but remind us all that there have been some much more difficult times historically – even though we may be too young to remember many of them.

Stress is not the answer. Rather, it is a destroyer of joy, a damaging force in our bodies, and some are literally stressed to death (consider the number and frequency of “heart attacks” attributed to excess stress).

One of the greatest gifts given to Believers is the peace of God. (See Philippians 4:7; 2 John 1:3) Because we have peace with God (see Romans 5:1), and the enmity between us is gone, there is no longer any place for undue stress in our daily walk.

Too many Believers let stress rob them of the joy of knowing peace which “passes understanding” (Philippians 4:7) guards our life, brings a clear understanding that God is always, absolutely in control, alway does what is right and good, and will see us through every circumstance and situation (without damaging physical and mental stressors) when/while we trust His leadership.

Many folks are saying the 21st Century is a time of grim reality, that there is little hope outside Christ, when life is difficult at best. . .and I would agree. But since Christ is our hope, who gives perfect peace as a  daily gift, we can let go of all the stress, the disturbances brought about by sinful men, refusing to live lives of “quiet desperation,” choosing rather to live in peace and llove.

That understanding is sufficient.

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