Singing the Songs
As I write these words I am listening to Carrie Underwood sing one of my favorite songs. She is singing it very well, and has the words right. It’s memorial time at the CMA awards.
The song: “Softly and Tenderly,” yes, the same one in the Hymnal at your Church.
I wonder if most of those folks are part of the redeemed. Surely some, perhaps many have come to faith in Christ, received His gift of grace, and live a life of faith and Truth.
The song is about Jesus calling to sinners to come to Him. It is not about sinners going to Heaven because of any merit achieved in this life. Hence, I am confident it is leading some to believe that all men and women go to Heaven when they die. Of course that is not the case. The vast majority of all men and women will miss Heaven (the residence of God during these days). The Scripture alone is True and singing the songs, or trying to “love one another right now,” is insufficient to save one from the curse of sin and death. Salvation is by “grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
The thought is encouraging, and the words to the song are indeed lovely and emotionally soothing, but they are insufficient to redeem in and of themselves.
The final verse of the song says, “Oh for the wonderful llove He has promised, promised to you and to me. Though we have sinned He has mercy and pardon, pardon for you and for me.”
The Scripture teaches us that the “gate is narrow, and the path is straight that leads to life, but tragically, most people will miss it (see Matthew 7:13-14). If that gate is missed, there is no other way (see John 14:6)
Thanks CMA for exposing some to a song they have never heard, or heard only enough to be led to believe there is no path other than Jesus Christ. Perhaps it will cause some to seek HIM, or find someone who can share with them the Good News of God’s llove for all mankind. (see John 3:16)