Thought For The Day

What’s Happening To America

There was a time in our great Nation when an individual who “got crosswise” with the law was considered “not guilty” until such violation of the statutes was adjudicated by a Court of Law. It was of no legal concern that someone believes one side of the “story,” and someone else believes the opposite. Things have to be proven beyond (any reasonable) doubt in a courtroom.  My, how things have changed.

A growing number of Republican leaders called on Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore to step aside Monday, with Mitch McConnell telling reporters that he believes the women who accused the former state Supreme Court Justice of pursuing them when they were teens. One of the women says she was 14 when then-32-year-old Moore touched her sexually. “I believe the women, yes,” Sen. McConnell said when asked about the allegations at a news conference on Monday. “I think he should step aside.” In a tweet, Maine Sen. Susan Collins said after listening to Moore’s radio interview with Sean Hannity and reading his statement, she also thinks he should leave the race. “I did not find his denials to be convincing and believe that he should withdraw from the Senate race in Alabama,” she said. (TIME)

There are probably only two people who know what the truth is in these matters. Everyone else is just taking a side that suits them, and unfortunately may damage others who have committed no crime at all. The “media” makes this “front page,” “breaking” news, when it is nothing more than an accusation and idle speculation (and who cares what McConnell or Collins, or anyone else “finds to be convincing) on the part of anyone not actually involved in the events.

I don’t have any idea what Roy Moore has done, or not done, and neither does anyone else other than the parties involved. Everyone else is gossiping, interfering, tainting a jury pool (should this ever go to trial), and damaging both the people involved and our Nation.

For those of the above individuals who believe they are part of the family of God, do not think He will hold you guiltless if, indeed, there is nothing to these claims and counterclaims. One can’t help but wonder if any of the other Senators have some dark spot in their history that could and would be exploited were someone to make an accusation.

In America one is not guilty because he or she is accused. Right? Right? Pray you are not the next individual accused of something you didn’t do.

The Enemy wins again. . .and again. . .and again. . .

One Comment

  • David

    Well stated! It is so easy to point a finger when we are not the ones being accused. It could very easily turn to any other conservative Republican or Christian next and the court of public opinion rule against the innocent. Remember, none of these folks liked Roy moore to begin with.

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