Dangerous Job
I never thought that my job. . .well my part-time job, would rank as the most dangerous job in the World. I suppose I am going to need to re-think some of the things I do. . .’cause you would miss me if I were gone. Right? Right?
For loggers, fishers and pilots, the risk of life-threatening accidents in remote locations comes with the job. High rates of workplace fatalities kept those occupations atop the latest list of America’s most dangerous jobs, according to the 2016 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS). (TIME)
Last week I felled three huge trees which were dead but standing, and spent another several hours cutting limbs from trees that had grown to low or long. Then there is the “brush” cutting that demands most of my attention.
Since “logging” is the most dangerous job in America, I guess I should pay myself more to do the work. The allowance my bride doles out each week for my personal pleasures is just not sufficient realizing the hazards of what I do.
Of course the most dangerous thing one can do in America (or anywhere else in the World) is live without the saving grace of God in one’s life. The reality is certain, “And just as it is appointed for people to die once — and after this, judgment” (Hebrews 9:27), we need to be cognizant of the brevity of life and be prepared for the judgment coming.
Since death is an enemy for those who are without faith in Christ, it is wise to allow the sacrifice of Christ on Calvary to remove the specter of death from the equation. Even if your job is not dangerous, life is -sickness, traffic, terrorism, crime, accidents, and a multitude of unknowns are on the horizon for all of us. Those who are “redeemed” will never taste death. Rather, we will move from this life to eternal life in a transition described in Scripture as “to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:8)
That is a wonderful position in which to be.
One Comment
Pastor, be assured, we would miss you!