A Changing America
With apologies to those who have followed his writings for a long time, I have chosen to “lift” a thought from Dr. Weaver’s book, I Wish I’d Said That! (available at lloveletters.com) that speaks to the way I feel today. It was written July 3, 2005. He approved my using it here. Christian West
A Changing America (based on a reading of Psalm 33:6-22)
One good thing about growing older is that you have a lot to look back over. There is never a shortage of things that one has seen and heard, assuming, of course, that one has watched and listened.
It’s nothing short of amazing how “things” have changed in fifty (50) years. And you have heard and read (via the internet, probably) all of the “stuff” about how it used to be. My greatest concerns do not lie with the change that we have seen, but the change that is coming that some of us will not live to see.
I believe that my grandsons will live in a political, socio-economic, and spiritual world that would be unrecognizable to us. We can always hope that our Savior will return before they are forced to live through the collapse of this Nation. It may need to be soon. I don’t want to be an alarmist, but I am alarmed. And I am certainly not a prophet, but then neither am I Biblically illiterate. It is easy to see the secularization of the Church. It is clear that as a Nation we are moving at light-speed away from our Judeo-Christian roots. Multiculturalism is gnawing away at the very foundation of what made this Nation great. Laws, in this declining Republic, are less made by the Legislature, acting in response to an informed electorate, and more by a five (5) member cobbled committee accountable to no one but themselves.
We are moving toward a time when Psalm 33:12 is only a fond memory. The remaining ten verses of that Psalm are clear that we cannot long survive the conversion to a Godless entity.
As we celebrate this 4th of July, 2005, we pause to pay tribute to the founding fathers, and their great literary works which became the framework for our system of Government. But, we are choosing, en masse, to ignore and thereby destroy the very rock on which this people stand. Failure to survive as a Nation is not uncommon, but it is unprecedented that people with such vast knowledge, so strong an organization, so powerful a driving force, so educated and enlightened a society, and so obviously blessed by “the hand of Providence”, would squander it all in a relentless pursuit of hedonistic misotheism.
There is a hollow ring in the words, “God bless America” for those of us who are asking, in concerned honesty, “Why would He?”
© Weaver 2005