A Positive Note at Year’s End
I want to end 2013 on a positive note. Perhaps that will signal a fresh outlook for 2014 – because it certainly looks like we are going to be here – in this World with all of it’s pains and all of it’s joys.
The Affordable Health Care business is scary, the political landscape leaves almost nothing to be desired, the Government is overwhelmed with soft tyranny, and the “do nothing” Congress seems to do only what most people wish they wouldn’t, jobs and money are scarce, evil abounds, sinful men wreak havoc on society, and, out there still, we are told, is Global Warming or “Climate Change” or whatever it is “they” call it.
By now you are wondering about the positive? Here’s the Truth. We are finally beginning to recognize that our Nation’s only hope is in Christ the Lord. We can no longer (as if we ever could) depend on our wits and wisdom, our ideas and intelligence. Few among us are trustworthy, and the most prominent concern in every area has become “collapse.” We are like the people in the desert who were snake bitten. But the serpent on the pole is raised and those who look on it will live. (See Numbers 21:4-8)
Understand that the only hope we have is the crucified and risen Savior. Everything else is despair and loss. But – in Him, and Him alone, there is HOPE, there is JOY, there is PEACE. For those who believe, that is the positive that brings absolute victory. It is ours! It is now! It is God greatest gift for 2014.