Thought For The Day

And So. . .The Change Begins

New Year. New Plans. New President. New Ideas. New Problems. New/Different Solutions.  Everything is in a constant state of change. The result of that is many people are happy. . .and many are sad. What is says is, most people base their happiness, or lack thereof, on the circumstances, situations, and changes that are a part of each day. The Truth is that is not the only way, or the best way to live from day to day. It is the most common, the most visible, and the most volatile way to get through the days, months, and years of the life given to us by our Creator, who designed life to be a joyous encounter with Him and the magnificent creation He spoke into existence. His plan, I believe, is a precursor to the infinite eternity that has been prepared for those who are redeemed from the curse of sin and death, and are thereby building life on this planet with the Truth of God’s Word as the guide and guard for every minute of every day.

If I have learned anything in the multitude of years that are God’s gift to me, it is that I cannot change any of the “things” in my life with the exception of my attitude, my thought processes, and my understandings regarding the issues presented to me. I can learn Truth, or not. I can be obedient to Truth or not. I can have a positive attitude regarding my life and live with joy and inner tranquillity, or not. What I spend my time thinking about, in relationship to every issue around me, will allow my mind to grow closer to God’s design, or further from His amazing grace which controls all of life on Earth. The foolishness (see Psalm 14:1ff) of those who live by their own design are doomed to miss life. Those who reject Truth are condemned to live every day with the despair and hopelessness of constant change. While one may find so-called happiness momentarily, the Enemy will soon snatch it away  with sadness and despair, and ultimately, eternal death. Attempting to live in the non-existent interstitial spaces leaves one with nothing but a constant struggle on the journey to the dissolution of this life, and the specter of an infinite separation from God.

And so. . .change comes!

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