Thought For The Day

Big Difference

I know one needs to be very careful when the subject is politics. But, sometimes the reality moves beyond the differences of politicians and begins to affect those who deserve our utmost respect. Such must never be the case.

It is obvious that one arm of our Government is making an attempt to create as much “hurt” as possible to use as leverage in getting their way.

This is an open memorial on the mall, to which the old soldiers of the Greatest Generation, flown here on honor flights, come to a last roll call with their comrades. The memorial is dedicated to them, to what they and their buddies did, and to those who never came home.

But when the old soldiers got here, the Park Service, apparently acting on orders from the White House complex, had thrown up steel barriers and crime-scene tape to keep them from visiting the site on what is surely the last trip many will ever make to see their memorial.

What kind of sick mind does something like that? (Yahoo News)

There is a big difference in Government and God. God, who gave His only Son to die for those condemned to spend eternity separated from Him, rather than closing the path to redemption, opens wide the narrow gate, reveals the Truth clearly and plainly in His Word, and empowers witnesses to declare the Truth in every place possible around the World. God and His people’s goal is never to hurt and reject, but to heal and receive.

Would to God there were a way we could get God’s folks running the place in Washington, D. C.

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