Thought For The Day


I know of a Church that is small enough it talks about finances in thousands rather than hundreds of thousands. The building sits along a highway that changes from two lanes on each side to one on each side. The Church employs two entrance gates near where the change to one lane occurs going South. Over the last few years there have been several wrecks (usually in the wee hours of the morning).  Sometimes a car or truck evidently fails to see the end of their lane, and cruising at breakneck speeds, run into the ditch and into the culvert and it’s amenities, which smashes their vehicle, the culvert, and the Church landscape. No one  ever offers to replace the culvert and restore the damage. They often disappear by the time anyone arrives, resulting in he Church needing thousands of dollars to replace the damage. Suffice it to say it stays ugly. The resources just aren’t there.

The Church started a “Giving Project” recently for the needs of so many in and around the community. They believed if they were faithful givers, God would bless them even more than He regularly does. Well, could that be true? After several years, and the recent “giving” Project, TEXAS DOT decided to replace all the culverts in an 8 mile stretch, and the  Church is recipient of several thousands of dollars of work on each culvert and the landscape surrounding. Funny isn’t it, how things like that just – “happen.”

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