Thought For The Day

Blown Away

Have you ever created something – designed for teaching how to carry out one of God’s commands – that appeared exciting, encouraging, comforting, and believed it was blessed by God, only to have it shot down by someone  you trust, who claims it is unbiblical, damaging, and foolish?

That is a blow “below the belt,” as some would say. How do you ignore that. . .and continue what appears right, but is going to be offensive to a brother/sister/person?

I asked the Preacher for an answer to that question and he just looked at me for a minute with a blank expression on his face, then shrugged his shoulders and changed the subject.

Has anyone ever done it before? Did people learn a valuable Biblical Truth? Should it stop? Should it continue? Well, I am praying there is an answer in the line from the Father to this broken link.  I have lots of questions. . .but I have to go. . .the Preacher needs help with his message for today.



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