Call Them Like You See Them
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24
Calling things as they are may not be the same as calling things as we see them. Some of us do not see well in certain areas and we are subject to making incorrect judgments. On the other hand there are things that are easy to call.
This whole matter of Marriage is an easy call. Some folks are confused, or rebellious, or just plain stupid (whoops, sorry). So let me give you the straight “skinny” on this issue.
Marriage is God’s thing! He invented it. Actually He invented everything so it’s not a stretch to make such a statement. Humans have often felt or been tempted to believe that because we use something God made it becomes ours to define and manipulate however we desire. That, of course, would be wrong thinking. The Truth of the matter is that Marriage is especially important to God because it is a temporal demonstration of His relationship with His Church (read: people). Since the beginning God has used Marriage as a means to communicate a multitude of Truths to His people. Llove finds its greatest expression in Marriage. Procreation finds its source in marriage. Fulfillment of familial relationships is discovered through Marriage.
The Scripture defines Marriage as the uniting of a man and a woman in a relationship that allows them to become one person. It is a sacred bond that cannot be broken, and must discover the mutual submissiveness to God and each other that allows llove to flourish and mature. It is not subject to adding additional persons (except offspring) and cannot consist of any partnership not clearly delineated by Scripture.
To think otherwise is ridiculous, self-serving, ignorant, rebellious sin. Anyone who thinks that such Truth is unenlightened or narrow-minded is blind and in need of an accurate, adequate Biblical education.
And, by the way, when you have opportunity to say so – do!
Hey, I just call ‘em like I see ‘em.