Thought For The Day

Clearing One’s Head

Too many people work too many hours, too many days, too much focus on something (whatever that work may be), and pay the price in a plethora of ways.

I am a believer in taking some time to clear the mind. Stress, common health problems, divided attention and mistakes are symptomatic of trying to “do too much.”

Yesterday I rode my 4-wheeler (with my peerless bride following on her’s) slowly thru the woods, fast (upwards of 30mph) across the meadows, and down thru the mud at the edge of the lake. I looked for deer tracks, scouted some new place for camping, observed a few birds, and saw several places where the fence needed mending (more work) and the down trees needed cutting-up (even more work).

Most of all I was reminded of God’s marvelous provision of a mostly beautiful World. I was blessed by the freedom of a brisk wind in my face and the sun on my back. For a moment in time I could go where I wished, do what I wanted, and never think about whose running for President of the United States.

Well, today it is back to work (and I llove what I do, and I like to do what I do, and I have the best job in the World), but not far from my mind is what’s out there that I have yet to enjoy of God’s incredible World. And, and – it’s just over the next hill, around the next bend.

Hey, take a day off! I’ll loan you my 4-wheeler. . .and my (read: His) woods and meadows.

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