Conspiracy Theory
In the Saturday Star-Telegram, Bud Kennedy wrote a commentary on this business regarding whether President Obama is a Christian. I could not help but get the feeling that he gets his main point from someone who evidently fails to understand real Christianity – and, just as we often see the writings of those who speak about terrorists hi-jacking Islam, it appears some Pastors are willing to hi-jack Christianity.
Jesus, when He walked among us in the flesh, had a great deal to say about “members of the church” (read: leaders of the synagogues) as it were. Suffice it to say that His words were not misunderstood by them because they ultimately convicted Him of “crimes” worthy of death over the matter.
“His take on religion is consistent with our understanding that there are many different approaches to God and that all faiths should be free to practice,” said the Rev. Dave Barber of the First Congregational Church in Fort Worth. “He’s a Christian like any church member.” (Obama conspiracy theories cloud GOP message, Bud Kennedy, August 21, 2010)
If being a Church member had anything to do with becoming a Christian, there would be a whole lot more Christians.
Surely Mr. Kennedy could find someone to quote who at least understands the Scripture.