Constitution and Bible
I’m back!
I missed a lot of news over the past seven or eight days. When we are “on mission” my boss (the Preacher) won’t let me watch the news or keep up with the latest “political” foolishness.
As I understand it – Proposition 8 (California, banning gay marriage) was struck down by the Supreme Court. I read an interesting article from PoliticusUSA. I’m a little lost. Here is a sample:
The key thing for Americans of course is that nowhere in the Constitution does it say we must concern ourselves with what the Bible says about anything. It isn’t even mentioned. Neither is God. Nor any commandments of any type. Though we do have amendments. [Franklin] Graham and [David] Brody might want to familiarize themselves with the first one. Graham says the Court doesn’t matter, but what does not matter from a legal standpoint, is the Bible, and less what a bunch of cranky old white men say God wants for us all.
What am I missing here? Isn’t the Constitution “of the people, by the people, for the people?” Under the democratic process of our Representative Republic, is it not the will (vote) of the majority that should be supported by the branches of Government – Congress (Legislative), the Administration (Executive) and the Supreme Court (Judicial)? Did California vote affirmatively for Proposition 8 to be law? Is that not their right? What am I missing here?
Just asking!
Just asking.