Counterfeit Church
I never cease to be amazed how many people want “something like the Church” in their life, but confess that they don’t believe in God. Most people know that atheists are dull and boring, and humanists are usually just inept and silly. Now here come Sanderson Jones of London, England.
He as started the “Sunday Gathering” and it seems to be doing well. Beginning this month it is being exported to the United States and other Countries. I predict he will find much success.
“We wanted to do something like a church for people who don’t believe in God,” said Sanderson. “Life is such a wonderful thing to have been given — and frankly, it’s as transcendent as any one god. We come from nothing and go to nothing and in between we have these short glazing moments of awareness and consciousness to love and sing and mess up and try again. We should celebrate it.” (ABC News)
I have learned over the years that most people want the human contact, interaction, joy, and comfort provided by the Church – just without the Truth of Scripture (God’s Rules) to hinder their sinfulness. Looks like Mr. Jones is about to offer just that.
There is nothing new here – just different in that it’s not all intellectual foolishness and the stuffiness of people who are convinced they are better than Believers because they don’t fall for the crutch of “organized religion.”
The best option, of course, is to find a Church where human contact, interaction, joy and comfort are surrounded by the Llove of God and those who allow that llove to dominate their relationships. Then, you get the best of “both worlds.”
If you don’t know where those kind of Churches are – let me know. I have a few suggestions.