Thought For The Day

Data, Data, Whose Got the Data

If we listen to some folks (and we better), it appears that “data mining” is a “monster under the bed” business, and depending on your particular involvement with certain things, particularly the Internet, there are companies out there (in the “cloud” I guess) who know more about you than you would think or wish.

I never ceased to be amazed at the amount of information the younger generations are willing to share about their day to day life on Facebook, or other social networking formats. But that is the tip of the iceberg.

There is now an enormous multibillion-dollar industry based on the collection and sale of this personal and behavioral data.  There’s no code of conduct. There’s no standard. There’s nothing that safeguards privacy and establishes rules of the road., Joel Stein

These companies track you through the Internet, credit cards, apps on your phone, purchases you make using your Kroger card, etc. Every time you fill out a survey, accept a “free” offer, register for a prize, and so on, there is information about you and your habits that is “mined” and retained and sold to anyone who is willing to get it. If that scares you, you’re getting smarter by the second.

Of course you have been tracked by the God of Heaven ever since He created you. He know the number of hairs on your head (and so may those companies who sell shampoo), your habits, your purchases, and, and if you are a Believer, you involvement or lack thereof in His family, the Church. I would imagine He knows your Social Security number. Everybody else does. 

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