Thought For The Day


I’ve been watching the weather in the North Texas area for a lot of years. One thing I have noticed (as I am sure others have as well) always seems to come as a surprise even though it happens again and again every year, year after year.

According to Bill Miller in the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, “A fierce complex of storms disintegrated this morning at the doorstep of western Tarrant County. . . .”  And that would be unusual? I’ve seen it happen hundreds, maybe thousands, of times. There is something about the DFW Metroplex that often stops the rain in Western Tarrant County. The storms move around the Metroplex on the North and South, and reform somewhere out near Forney before roaring into East Texas. Why? I don’t know. I don’t recall ever having heard a meteorologist talk about it. Perhaps I don’t listen enough. They predict the rain, tell the people in the cities it is coming, and it often doesn’t – as if that is a surprise.

I have also noted that a significant number of folks find the incredible presence of God stopping a bit short of their life. They see others with great joy, peace, hope, an excitement for ministry, and power for bursting thru obstacles and problems. Yet they, as a rule, do not experience that same fullness. Why? Who is talking about that?

I think it’s the heat. It’s the buildings, the cars, the concrete, the glass, even the people, that stop the rain. (No I don’t have any scientific evidence for my thinking, I just think freely, sorta)

I think the reason some folks miss a lot of God is because they are not prepared, obedient, active in the family, and open to something totally different from the ordinary. No, I don’t have any evidence to prove that thought, it is just that the people who seem to me to be the most excited by the presence of God are the ones who are most active in the work of God. If I am worshiping, praying, learning Truth, ministering to the family, and looking for opportunity to see the spectacular from God, I often do.

Stay cool, we need the rain.

Stay on fire for God. We need the enthusiasm!

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