Thought For The Day

Do We Know What Is Important?

Anyone who knows my history in the Church knows that I believe (which is to say, I am absolutely certain) that the proclamation of the Truth of God’s Word with clarity,  accuracy and authority, is the most important task when the Church gathers together. Whether it is in a Sunday School Class for children, a Bible Study for Adults, or the “message” during the Worship service, neglecting Truth is to miss our calling, our mandate, and our goal.

It is not easy to find a lot of “Churches” that focus on that as clearly as they should. One needs only to look around to find “gatherings” where there is a sharing of ignorance at worst, and reasonable inspiration at best. Focus on Truth must become the priority.

But that is not to say Truth is the only focus. I am not sure how we expect to build relationships with people who enter our buildings if there is no emphasis on such activities.  I say that after attending Churches that are full of people (or nearly so), or struggling to keep the doors open, where there is little or no effort at building a relationship with individuals who enter the building for the first time.

Perhaps it is true that current attenders at a given Church are not interested in such, but that does not mean we can ignore the Truth requiring each of us to build a relationship where we are to care for, support, minister to, (and many more) and ultimately llove one another.

There are Churches where one can find a relationship with others easily. And, they can hear the Truth. There are other issues, of course. But let’s get this issue solved now in Bible believing Churches.

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