Egg Hunts
I will say clearly, listen, I don’t have a problem with egg hunts. As a matter of fact I spent some time yesterday filling plastic eggs with candy for the one coming up at our Church on Saturday. I certainly enjoy watching the kids running through the park as if there were some great treasure to be found.
What is most important, however, is that our children must (absolutely mandatory) be given clear, accurate, information regarding the “reason for the season.” They must be told, and told again, and told again, that Christ, because of our personal sin, shouldered the consequences of sin and the righteous wrath deserved by sinners. They must be clearly informed that God laid our iniquity on Jesus and treated Him as if He had committed every sin ever committed by every person who would ever believe, though He was perfectly innocent. God did that so wrath could be spent and justice satisfied, so that He could then give to the account of every believer the righteousness of Christ. Children must learn the principle of substitution.
No child is too young to hear the message. While it might be years before they become accountable and the Spirit of God draws them to conviction, the message conveyed over and over again becomes the catalyst for God calling them from darkness to light, from death to life.
My philosophy – tell the story, hunt the eggs, tell the story. If one can’t create an association between hunting eggs and the substitutionary death of the Savior, drop the one that is least important.