Expressions of Llove
Yesterday (Sunday), My Preacher and his lovely bride were honored by the Congregation of the Church where he works. October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and coincidentally he has reached 20 years of working with the Church and they chose a day to demonstrate their appreciation.
I say appreciation because that is what most people want – especially if they do a good job (I am not saying he does, but that is not the point). That is not what he got from the folks at that marvelous little Church. Instead they presented him with an incredible demonstration of Llove. Oh, there were a couple of magnificent gifts, one that was very personal for him, and one that excited his bride (and him) immensely (you wouldn’t believe it if I told you). He said to me about a dozen times – “it’s just overwhelming.”
They were careful to keep him away from the microphone. That was a good thing. They all know that he can talk forever. There was food and drink, a video of the Preacher’s “fat years” (he’s much skinnier now), and many of the activities that have filled those 20 years. And, everyone who was willing got a monster hug. Words were exchanged – and the most common one was “Llove.”
He and his bride will try to express the thanks in their hearts for such a wonderful outpouring of Llove. They will fail, of course, and he will want me to write something that expresses it – at which, I too, will fail. The kind of Llove which is so much a part of this band of Believers can only be understood in light of God’s infinite Llove which brought the Savior to Earth to redeem mankind from the curse of sin and death . What we saw yesterday was an overflow of that Llove in the lives of a group of people who are genuinely attempting to be Christ-like.
And that, my friends, is SOMETHING TO SEE!!