Falling Down
A few weeks ago I fell down. And it hurt! Never mind that I was running at the time and tripped over an obstacle in the road. I repeated to myself what I often say to my older friends – “don’t be falling down because that is never a good thing.”
Now I read in a Star-Telegram story by Jan Jarvis that the University of Texas at Arlington is studying the problem of falls in older adults –
They gathered “about 40 people to participate in the study, aimed at identifying physical factors that contribute to falls and developing rehabilitative interventions to prevent them. The participants, ages 70 to 90, worked out three times a week with a Wii or in an exercise class. A control group did neither. The improvements in strength and balance were not huge but were significant . . . .”
That makes sense to me. After all that is what we do three times a week at the Church I attend. Of course we don’t limit our work to the older folks, but include everyone who is willing. The fact of the matter is that when it comes to “falling” short of the design and purpose of God, we are all guilty — and more — often in the dark about how to stop. So, at least three times a week we gather folks to spend time looking intently into the the revealed Word of God. There we find strength and balance along with “rehabilitative interventions” that make us more capable of avoiding falls into disobedience and rebellion.
I think UTA is on to something. I know we are!