Fantastic Features
The Preacher I work for made an attempt to download ios7 for his iphone this past week. I should have known he would need my help. . .desperately.
He has a bit of trouble with high-tech (he’s really old), so it wasn’t long before he called me. I showed him an article in Time
Apple’s new iOS 7 is either the company’s most beautiful operating system yet or a hideous abomination (your choice!). Either way, there’s a lot more to iOS 7 than just a handful of new icons – there are a lot of powerful new features under the hood. . . . (Time Tech)
I couldn’t help but wonder as we looked at some of the new “features” that are part of this update, how much the task is like that of teaching a new Believer (and sometimes “old” Believers) the amazing “features” of the Christ-like walk.
Learning how to focus on and use the infinite Llove of God which flows through us, understand the power of fervent prayer, harness the power of God’s Spirit as we witness and share our faith, and use the enlightenment of Truth (also an action of God’s Spirit) to discover unending joy, hope, peace, and comfort, are often overlooked in the day to day walk of those who are children of God.
You may not be an Apple “tech” freak, but you can be a Believer with an arsenal of victorious Christ-like characteristics. Don’t hesitate to ask for help.