Thought For The Day

Fixing Problems

I admit a great llove for the Church of Jesus Christ. Almost all my friends, acquaintances, and people I work with are part of the family of God. I am always distressed when any group that claims to be part of the Church leads people astray by “fixing the problem.”

Such has been the case this week. It is certainly not unusual, but the decisions made by the leaders of this particular group bleed over into the thinking of those who are weak in The Faith, and/or ignorant of the Truth.

They couch their thinking in words that “sound good,” but contain the seeds of doubt regarding Truth that damage everyone who is anxious to believe that God has not clearly revealed His plan and purpose for mankind.

The latest agreements among these “theologians” (I use the term loosely) regarding the need to change our thinking regarding homosexuality, marriage, same sex relationships, divorce and family, is telling in its use of language meant to sound like Truth, but fails when compared to the Truth of God’s revelation. The final document, adopted to provide “better pastoral care for families, included this wording:

It emphasizes the role of discernment and individual conscience in dealing with difficult family situations. . . . (TIME)

However wonderful that sounds, the reality is “Pastors” are encouraged to make “discernments” disregarding the clear Truth of God’s Word. “Individual conscience” may disagree with what God has clearly defined, and  “Pastors” must change their practice so that they do not “sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families.” (IBID)

I can find no place in Scripture where anyone is given the authority to override the clear revelation (and all of it is) of God. Is that just misunderstanding on my  part? I think not!

One Comment

  • dp

    Amen, theY desire to drive us away.
    (This comment should help win points with the Pastor, it demonstrates I was listening).

    Let’s pray that they repent, otherwise, Sooner than they expect, they will reap what was only to be for the angels who rebelled.

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