Thought For The Day

For Better or Worse

I llove the United States of America. I have had the opportunity to travel and observe much of the World during my lifetime, and to study the societies and civilizations of former times. Our country is the best of all worlds – hands down!

That is not to say that we can be passive regarding the future. Nothing remains contant except change, and change is all around us. There will probably always be arguments regarding who did the right thing versus who did the wrong thing. There are Trump lovers and haters. There are Clinton fans and bashers. Pick a public figure and you will find absolute loving support and vitrolic hatred. Choose an issue and you will find the merits and the disdain from every perspective.

There are going to be “policy” fights, political vendettas, arguments regarding morality and immorality as long as we stop short of crowning a King with absolute authority. So the question comes – are we better or worse as a Nation – now than before?

I’m voting for worse. It is in part because of the terror threat that hangs over the entire World. It is in part because of the meteoric rise of claims regarding sexual harassment and assault. I am uncertain as to whether something that was not important enough to be reported 20 or 30, or more, years ago, should consume us now. It is in part because leadership is critical and we seemingly have so little that moves us in the direction of strength and resolve for what is right and just.  I am increasingly confident we grow more ignorant with every passing day.

Please don’t hear the word “ignorant” as a pejorative word. I mean, by using it, there is just so much we don’t know – and the knowledge which we have not acquired lies in fields that are different for each one of us. The issue that concerns me most is our willingness to make decisions or take actions when we have “information” but not “knowledge.”

I have lots of information regarding Russia and the elections, Weinstein and the women, semiautomatic weapons (evidently revolvers are not as concerning) in the wrong hands, domestic terrorism, transgender bathrooms, spousal abuse, elder abuse, child abuse, and on and on and on, but how much do I know?

I do know a lot of Truth (as do millions of others), but our Nation, our society, is unwilling to acknowledge that Truth, adopt it as our goal, and embrace it as a lifestyle. And, of course, those who know the Truth know that our “situation” is exactly what the Truth says it would be.

I llove the United States of America, for better or worse. I want to continue to embrace the Truth, spread the Truth, walk in the Truth, and share the Truth. I am not interested in second-hand information, innuendo, and guessing. Deep down I think that might be true for most folks. At least, I hope so.




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