Thought For The Day

Good For BYU

I have known a few outstanding athletes over the years, and have a couple of friends who played in the NFL. They told me stories about the things Colleges and Universities do to keep top athletes “on the job.”
Now we get news from BYU (Brigham Young University) that a top basketballer has been suspended from the team. I am impressed!
The news this week that Brigham Young University (BYU) would force starting center Brandon Davies to miss the rest of the season for violating the school’s honor code was so surprising. What he did takes place, to put it mildly, every day in colleges across the country: Davies had sex with his girlfriend. BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on premarital relations.
Whatever may be one’s feelings or attitude about pre-marital sex (it’s a sin – just in case you are wondering), BYU has a code and they chose to stand by their rules even at the possibility their ability to “run with the best” would be compromised.
If only Believers were always willing to play by God’s design regardless of the consequences, what a wonderfully different World it would be. Because we are willing to sacrifice Truth for success, or fail to discipline in accordance with God’s Word, we struggle with a plethora of people who choose to believe there are no constraints in the Kingdom of God. Claiming His forgiveness over and over we move ever closer to the darkness which is an absence of His light.
“This could be a seminal moment in this young man’s life,” says Vai Sikahema, an NFL return specialist who attended BYU.
Every moment we teach and practice Truth is a seminal moment in the life of young people who are looking for guidance – and older people have their moments as well.
(Quotes from

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