Thought For The Day

Good Sermon?

Our Preacher has had a lot of comments regarding his sermon (message) on Sunday, last. No, actually, they have all been good, positive comments. While that may come as a surprise to him, it really does not surprise me. I expect that he will hit a nerve now and again. Sometimes those times occur with regularity – sometimes, not so much. That has little or nothing to do, really, with the message or the messenger. Rather, it is in the heart of the Believer who is longing to hear something that will give them direct access to understanding Truth, gaining wisdom, and experiencing life-changing thinking.

In case you missed it – our Pastor talked about being healed. That is a popular subject these days – but, sadly for some, it wasn’t the kind of healing that so many have been looking for since the Savior walked among men.

He spoke instead, of having one’s mind healed by the Truth of God’s Word. Imagine a mind that is free from all the intellectual garbage of this World’s foolishness and filled with the very Word of God which is “profitable for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16). He spoke a bit about healing relationships. When we are “at peace with all men,” (Romans 12:18) there is an inward peace that consumes all the bitterness, hatred, anger and animosity that destroys us mentally and physically. And finally, he spoke about the healing of our spirit. When we embrace the discipline of the Spirit-led experience, our spirit progresses to become one with the Spirit of God. It is the realization of the answered prayer of David in Psalm 51 – “God, create a clean heart for me and renew a stedfast spirit within me. Restore the joy of your salvation  to me, and give me a willing spirit.”

Sometimes this guy (our Preacher) says the right words – which allow us to embrace Truth – revealed by the Spirit of God from the Word of God. That’s probably why we keep him around.

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