Thought For The Day

Greed Rears Its Ugly Head

Here come the lawsuits, the anger, the recriminations, the ugliness of our society which so quickly and accurately focuses on greed.

How many seats are there in Cowboy Stadium? I don’t know and I don’t really care. If it is not big enough for a SuperBowl, have it somewhere else. I suppose if you build a 200,000 seat venue – “they will come.”

At about 2 p.m. Sunday, Crowson [Arlington Fire Chief] said he told the NFL that about 400 temporary seats in the west end zone and 850 temporary seats in the north and south concourse were not going to open. The staircases leading up to sections 425A and 430A in the end zone didn’t have guardrails and handrails as required.

Why did they want/need those seats in the first place? And remember, this is only a portion of the “temporary” seats that were installed, not to mention selling “standing” spots both inside and out.

Don’t say to me – “More people wanted to come!”  Of course, and if you had a 200,000 seat venue, there would be still more who want to come.

It’s GREED! Pure and simple. The NFL, the Jones Family, the vendors, the Media Networks, the Cities (Dallas, Ft. Worth, etc.) can’t deal with “full.” There just has to be more!!

Now, the people who didn’t get a seat are going to be greedy. “Re-imburse me for my missed seat (ticket – at three or four times the face value), my transportation, my hotel, my food, my cleaning bill, and my shoe shine – then I want $30k more for “emotional distress.”

The Word of God speaks to this issue. In his portrait of a life lived in the fleshly nature of man, the Apostle Peter says – “their hearts are trained in greed.” (2 Peter 2:14.) How right he is!

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