Thought For The Day

Growing Wise

I am perfectly sure I don’t like getting older in a multitude of ways. I don’t need to enumerate them, because if you are past the half-century mark, you know exactly of what I speak. If you’re younger than that, you have much to discover as the years go by.

What I am comfortable with is that as one grows older, one grows wiser (not that a “broad brush” is applicable here). For example, almost everything I see in the “news” elicits a desire to comment. I attempt to suppress that fervor with the clear knowledge that not everyone (perhaps most everyone) is interested in my opinion. I am also wise enough to know that I don’t have all the facts, and there is more to the story than I can see or have heard.

That brings me to the reality that “getting the facts” is increasingly difficult in our society. Our political leaders are masters at obfuscation. Our “media” tend to lose all objectivity in their reporting, depending on their own particular prejudices and politics.

I don’t know what is really behind our entry into another “war.” Are we going to protect “human rights” in every country where brutal regimes oppress the populace, or just a chosen one or two depending on the whims of our Government?

I am wise enough to know that our Heavenly Father is consistently consistent, reveals Himself clearly and accurately, and will never be guilty of obfuscation. Perhaps I will confine myself to those subjects only. Then again, that’s not too likely.

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