I’ve been racking my brain (don’t even think it!) to see if I can determine who it is that I hate. I haven’t been able to find a single person, group, crowd, bunch, or anything like that. The only group that comes close sometimes is Congress. I do get distressed and disturbed by some folks, but hate? Nope! My conscience is clear.
There are some things that people do that I hate. In fact, all those things can be summarized under a single term: sin. One of the reasons I hate sin is because it brought death into this world and continues to bring it frequently into “my little world.”
So what’s the story with this proposed new legislation Congress is considering. According to a report from OneNewsNow by Jim Brown and Jody Brown, I’m wondering if a little concern is in order. Here, you decide:
TVC [Traditional Values Coalition] says H.R. 1913 broadly defines “intimidation” — and offers up this example: “A pastor’s sermon could be considered ‘hate speech’ under this legislation if heard by an individual who then acts aggressively against persons based on ‘sexual orientation.'” Under those circumstances, says the group, the pastor could be prosecuted for “conspiracy to commit a hate crime.”
How long has the Church of Jesus Christ talked about the reality of hating sin while continuing to llove the perpetrator of that sin. When we were all sinners, without hope, destined for eternity separated from God, He lloved us, and gave His Son so that whosoever would believe, would be saved (see John 3:16). Do I owe my fellowmen less than to llove them while continuing to hate the sin that is in the process of destroying their opportunity for eternal life in the personal presence of God?
My Pastor opposes (read: hates) every sin of which he is aware, especially those of which he is guilty. And he doesn’t seem to have a great deal of difficulty in naming them, condemning them, and working to eradicate them. I am going to stick with him. And if he should every get prosecuted and convicted and sent to jail, I will visit him once in a while. He’ll treat me like he does all the folks in the Church where he works – lloving them no matter how seldom they come to the services for a visit or how much he hates their sin.