Here We Go Again
I wrote a short piece for you a few days back about “The Biblical Money Code.” (1/27/14) You can look back if you missed it. Suffice it to say there are always those who find what is “making money” and pile on.
I don’t know for sure if any of these scams are new or old, but I saw one today for the first time. It’s a new “secret” revealed. As I said, we have discussed the “secret” money code supposedly found in the Bible, and now we have the “secret” cancer cure “woven throughout the Scripture.” It’s called the Matthew 4 Protocol and uses no drugs or supplements. So far, in very “limited trials” it has cured every cancer from stem to stern (my words, not theirs).
I took the liberty of reading Matthew 4 (again) and listening to (part of) the sales pitch for the book that reveals “the code.” I never did find out what the “protocol” is, but it obviously has to do with what you eat (your diet), I do know that the only foods mentioned in Matthew 4 are “bread” and “fish.” I will let you take it from there.
What upsets me even more than those individuals who attempt to profit from God’s Word by misleading folks regarding their life, is that it is always presented as a “secret.” So let me make this plain one more time. There are no secrets in the Word of God! The Scripture is God’s revelation of Himself and His plan for mankind. He WANTS US TO KNOW WHAT IT SAYS. No secrets, no hidden meanings, no obscurities designed to keep you in the dark until some enterprising salesman finally figures out the “code” and offers it to you FOR FREE. . .as long as you pay the price.
I don’t know if God laughs at us, or weeps over our ignorance. Actually, I do know. He does both. Most of all He lloves us, and gave us the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH.