How Much God Has Given Us!
When was the last time you took time to create a list, whether on paper, online, or in your mind, of those things – those gracious, extravagant, divine graces – with which God has blessed us?
There is a lot of talk about “changing” America these days. I am not so sure that I want a lot of things to change. I am not interested in returning to “horse and buggy” days, or to the ignorant prejudices that at times plagued our society, but I want no further change from the morality of our grandfathers, and perhaps a bit of “regression” would be appropriate.
Argue for the discrepancies if you like, but I long for a return to the idea that we are a Christian Nation. I used to teach “New Testament” at the high school and I want to do it again. I remember when each school day began with announcements and prayer, when the High School choir sang Christmas Carols, and no one would have thought of starting a football game without asking God to protect the players and spectators alike.
I remember when people who ran for Congress or the local City Council were people who wanted to serve their constituents, make life richer, fuller, safer for each of us, and there was seldom a tinge of scandal, or misdeeds, or greed on their part. I know my memory of history has been sanitized by time, but I really knew men like “George Bailey” (It’s A Wonderful Life) and I don’t have difficulty recognizing the content all those Internet pieces on “Remember When?”
Well, I am working on my list. The first thing on it is “today.’ I’m glad I’m here and since I have no promise of tomorrow, I am going to be grateful for this day, and the opportunity it brings to serve God and my fellowman.
Send me your name and I’ll put you on my list. I am thankful that anyone would read this stuff – especially you!