How To Write A Best Seller
Over 300,000 book are published each year in the United States. Most of them are not best sellers. You are no doubt familiar with some of them. The latest is a smash hit making the No. 1 Best Seller in one day.
Michael Wolff’s new book chronicling dysfunction within the Trump Administration was released Friday morning, drawing Harry Potter-style crowds at Washington, D.C. bookstores and ire from the White House. (TIME)
If you chose to read this book you will be required to believe or reject some fantastical items which stain credulity. Mr. Wolff is noted for being a writer that is not always completely honest (an understatement) in his work. It would appear that he does know how to write a best seller in this society at this time.
The all-time (historically) best seller is the pinnacle of the opposite end of the spectrum. Every word, no matter how difficult to imagine and believe, is absolutely true. It is no wonder it is the most read, supported, recommended, life-changing book in the history of this World.
I speak, of course, of the Bible. God’s Word revealing the mind of Christ, the path to eternal life with God in Heaven, the infinite blessing gained by those who believe, and the repository of Truth with no mixture of error. It’s principles and tenants are light, and life, and those who find its wisdom become wise themselves.
I think I will pass on Mr. Wolff’s book (I am not into hyperbolic fiction). Not only will I save a few bucks, but I will also have more time to inculcate Truth into this mind of mine. Then, when all of life is over, and I reach the other side, I will meet the Author face to face. . ., but I will already know Him. He will know me. We will spend forever in that glorious Truth because He chose me to inherit all that is revealed in that wondrous Book.
Thank you Father for so great a gift!!