Thought For The Day

How’s That Again?

Have you ever read something – then read it again, and maybe even a third and fourth time trying to understand exactly what is being said?

I read a recent series of articles in the Los Angeles Times attempting to explain the demise of the Crystal Cathedral. There is an internal struggle between the leadership according to some who have worked there. It has been heightened by an attempt to remove from the Choir, by mean of a Church Covenant, those who are “gay” or are involved in intimate heterosexual relationships sans marriage. Even the former pastor (Robert Schuller, Sr.) has condemned the attempt to force such a move.

In speaking about the “love” relationships between homosexuals, and hetrosexual couples living together without benefit of marriage, we get the following quote:

In a statement Tuesday, Senior Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman said the covenant is meant to clarify expectations placed on choir members as ministry leaders. But she also offered an apology. “The church of Jesus Christ at large is grappling with the challenge of reconciling love and adherence to God’s word, even those passages that challenge us,” she said.

How’s that again? To “reconcile” means to “bring back to harmony.” Does this statement say they are making an attempt “reconcile” 1)llove and 2) adherence to God’s Word? It is an attempt to make consistent or congruous God’s Word and Llove? Is there somewhere in this a thought that llove is our invention and we must work at making it acceptable to the revelation of God in His Word?

Perhaps I have missed the point here. So let me state clearly the TRUTH!

God IS Llove! His Word is Truth and it condemns homosexuality and sex outside of marriage. We can never reconcile God’s Word with disobedience and rebellion. We can never change the Truth, and we can never justify sin (disobedience to God’s commands).

Maybe it’s no wonder that place is in trouble.

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