Thought For The Day

Hungry Children

Are there hungry children in the United States? Are there hungry children who are absolutely dependent on the Government – without which they will remain unfed?

I don’t know. Really. I am told there are – even though one can eat at school for free (in many places up to three meals a day) – if they are in school. How big is this problem? One? One hundred? Thousands?

Last month, Kansas kicked more than 1,000 mixed-status families off its food stamp program when it joined three other states in adopting a stricter food stamp eligibility policy. A low-income family of five made up of two undocumented parents and three citizen children now has to show that its income is close to the poverty level for a family of three–not a family of five–in order to access food stamps. This is intended to prevent illegal immigrants from benefiting from food stamps, but immigration advocates say it will leave citizen kids hungry.

Can’t a “legal citizen” prove that (excepting a politician or two) they are a citizen by producing a birth certificate? Don’t all Counties, Parishes, States require a birth certificate be filled out? If an individual doesn’t have a birth certificate – isn’t it important to find our why not? Citizens have to be able to prove some things in our Country don’t they?

And if there are hungry children – where is the Church of Jesus Christ?

Our Nation is bankrupt. We can no longer support half the population of the United States (and a multitude of Nations around the world) with the earnings of the other half. Illegal aliens must be dealt with in accordance with the law.

Church: Feed the kids – if they are without food! Clothe them if they are naked! Care for them if they are sick or incarcerated! (see Matthew 25)

Government: Straighten this mess out – NOW! Or, resign from office and let someone else do it.

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