Thought For The Day

It Ain’t Me!

I am always intrigued after an election as the Media consultants quiz the losing incumbents on the reason behind their loss. And even more interesting sometimes, is the reasons given by the Media consultants as to why their favorite incumbent lost.

Here are a couple of my favorites:

“I lost because my opponent spent more money on the campaign than I did.” (Editor’s note: Are we down to buying votes?)

“I lost because the mood of the Nation is so inexplicable right now.”

“I lost because _____________ (pick a person or an office holder a step or two up from the person giving the excuse, e.g. “the President”) is so unpopular right now.”

Media: My candidate lost because he is so ‘misunderstood.’ The people just don’t understand where he is coming from.”

One’s loss is never due to the fact that their voting record cannot be tolerated by intelliegent, thinking people; or that they are incompetent; or because they are caught in some scandal – no, wait, that person got re-elected.

I told the Preacher at my Church that he better be glad he is not in politics. Everybody understands him — and overlooks it. He often gets folks into a “bad mood,” but they forgive him. And no one seems to care that when he takes them to lunch, he never pays. That guy is living in Heaven on Earth – and that sure ain’t no picture of politics.

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