It’s Cold Outside, And Sometimes Inside
Looks like the winter is going to start off pretty cold where I spend my days. Projections of upper teens means some extra work getting things ready for 65 hours, someone said, below freezing.
It reminds me of the coldness of some people who attend Church semi-regularly, and even some who come fairly often. It is amazing that the one place where everyone meets on the same turf, once lost – now saved, but acting as if we are not brothers and sisters in Christ, all of equal value, all redeemed from sin, and all headed toward eternity together.
Surely that criteria ought to bring some incredible warmth to the Body of Christ, some richness of conversation, some common concerns, and a commoradity of spirit that leads everyone to great joy.
It also ought to spill over in copious amounts to those who are new members of the family among us. Guests often feel “out of place,” when they ought to be cognizant that they are about to hear the Good News that will let them become part of the family, discover the source of that warmth, and the joy of being part of that family.
It seems the bigger the group, the less warmth toward one another is demonstrated. I know some of God’s folk like the feeling of being aloof from others, are reluctant to build relationships, unwilling to “warm up” to the the Truth of practicing the disciplines of llove.
No matter how cold it is “out there,” the Church of Jesus Christ must be warm, willing, and lloving. There is enough warmth in that alone to change the World.