Thought For The Day

Just Rain

I am looking for a little “just rain.” That’s “just” as in “justice.” The Scripture say that God “sends rain on the just and the unjust.” (Matthew 5:45). That is better translated – “the righteous and the unrighteous.”

I have this “thing” about trees. I like ’em. I actually have thousands of trees that I say belong to me. I say that because they are on property that God has given to me to hold while here on Earth. Anyway, they are dying by the dozens over in East Texas. It hasn’t rained there in years, well, months really. . .well, days I suppose, but there has been precious little this summer and not nearly enough to keep the trees from dying, the grass from lying (down), and the lakes and ponds from drying (up).

I keep reminding myself that they are His trees. Remember? “Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.” (Joyce Kilmer)

I just have to continue to trust that He knows what is right and best. I say that a lot about life. In sickness, in death, in the difficult issues of everyday living in this lost and angry World – I trust Him to always do what is “right” and “best.”

I think it ought to rain. I pray for rain. I watch the weather maps for rain. I am thinking about hiring an unjust person to visit my trees so that we will have a “double opportunity” for rain (get it?).

It will rain again. Perhaps He is waiting on me – to be “more” righteous. Hummmm, that’s the principle of Romans 12:1-2, right?

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