Knowing the Plan
Congress handed out billions of your dollars with “no strings attached” according to their own words. Now as things continue to go very wrong, they are calling others to account. According to an Associated Press story this morning –
“Eight chief executives will slip behind a witness table in the Rayburn House Office Building on Wednesday morning to face a battery of questions about how they have used more than $160 billion in taxpayers’ money.”
I am not sure Congress has a right to many, if any, questions. When you give someone something, and don’t have requirements or rules, or even a plan to follow for its use, seems to me they can do with it as they please.
God has given us some incredible gifts, and placed no demands on us as a result. The air you breathe and the continual beating of your heart are gifts without measure. But His greatest gift, eternal life, comes only with obedience to His revealed Truth. He will require of you a response to the question, “What have you done with my Son, Jesus?”
I know, for me, I would rather face God than Congress. At least I know the requirements God has placed in life, and He will always be true to His Word. I am not sure the same principles apply to Congress.