Thought For The Day

Like HIm

Yesterday I mentioned “being like our Father.” Scripture is clear that we are designed to be like (God) Jesus Christ. Romans 8:29 speaks of that design in reminding us that “those He foreknew, He predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ.” In so many ways we can be like Him if we just do what He did. Now, wait. Think with me. There are folks who fancy only “healing the sick,” “casting out demons,” “raising the dead,” and so on, but the reality is Jesus spent significantly more time on things other than the miraculous as He walked through the brevity of His Earthly ministry.

Teaching and preaching the Good News occupied a lot of Christ’s time. He was a traveling man, and lots of time was spent choosing men to follow Him during His Earthly journey, moulding them into a Company of Disciples who would boost the vehicle (the Church) Christ created for reaching the whole World with the Truth. He taught in the Synagog, homes, along roadways, on the water, and in the fields. He prayed with men and women, played with children, and spent copious amounts of time talking with His Father – in villages and cities, desserts and gardens, and even from Calvary’s cross near the end of His journey.

I am convinced that those are the pathways to being like Christ, like God. Unfortunately many a person has lost the way in trying to “be God.” Time wasted on any endeavor that will never come to fruition is a foolish way to live. Becoming more like Christ every day through the simple operation of imitating His life and lifestyle (since His Spirit is within us and we have the perfect book of Truth and Wisdom) is well within the realm of possibility – perhaps probability.


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