Major Problem Unresolved
Our (and I use the term loosely) Government is making an attempt to “fix” the problems in our Nation’s economy. While I am convinced that most of their solutions won’t work, they are doing “something.”
I have read with interest some of the new information regarding how the current housing mess will be repaired. I am sure I don’t have it exactly correct, but the solution seems to include interest rates as low as two (2) percent, extension of notes to forty (40) years, principle forgiveness, and if necessary, no payment on the principle (isn’t that what got us here in the first place). Of course the Government (that used to be you and me) is going to pay the “lenders” or “Loan Modifiers” hefty fees to work all this out (I wonder where that money comes from????).
So what’s the major problem, you ask? GREED. Every Government program of which I am aware is fraught with mismanagement, bumbling bureaucratic red tape, cost over-runs, improper/illegal payments, fraud, theft, etc., and this program will be no different. People with greedy hearts, people with a focus on obtaining for themselves the largess that is available through a Government out of control, will rob the taxpayers – again!
So – can the major problem be solved. YES! Yes! One needs only a new heart washed clean by the grace of God in Christ Jesus. In fact, if we could resolve the problem of separation from God by the sin of unbelief, we would move a long way toward resolution of all our Government ills. Unfortunately, salvation doesn’t always fix stupidity.