Thought For The Day

Making A Living

If it were not for disasters there are some folks who would not know how to make a living.

There’s a bit of wrangling over the 500 million dollars promised by BP to study the environmental impact of the Gulf Oil Spill. Here’s how it goes. . .

NEW ORLEANS – Scientists say it is taking far too long to dole out millions of dollars in BP funds for badly needed Gulf oil spill research, and it could be too late to assess the crude’s impact on pelicans, shrimp and other species by the time studies begin. The spring nesting and spawning season is a crucial time to get out and sample the reproduction rates, behavior and abundance of species, all factors that could be altered by last year’s massive spill. Yet no money has been made available for this year, and it could take months to determine which projects will be funded. “It’s like a murder scene,” said Dana Wetzel, an ecotoxicologist at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida. “You have to pick up the evidence. (Associated Press)

I am not sure what “evidence” we are studying here. I’m willing to admit that spilling massive amounts of oil into the ocean is a huge problem – and that it affects the fish, birds, marine life, etc., in an extremely devastating manner. So is the study to ascertain if that statement is true? Is there some question that it might be beneficial to spill some oil? If we learn from our study that reproductive rates among the pelicans are down (I am sure we have sufficient pelican reproduction figures from previous studies), are we going to begin a massive artificial pelican egg production program to boost the numbers? Would it be more prudent to spend the 500 million Dollars on finding ways to make sure there are no more spills? Am I supposed to believe for one minute that if  “it’s too late” for the studies they won’t take the money? Fat chance!

We know spilling oil is bad. We know it affects the environment to some degree. If our “research” shows it worse than we thought – will we work harder to stop spills? If our “research” shows it not as bad as we thought – will we be a bit more careless with our spills?

This whole scenario is about people making a living. The EPA and others have convinced the American Society that we have to “study” everything – especially the “environmental” things.

Could we just get a clarification on what it is we are going to learn and what it is we are going to do with that knowledge?

Do we really think any of this “study” will stop accidents from happening – or that the outcome of same will be impacted by our study? Maybe we will learn how to get the marine life, birds, fish, etc., to wear protective gear when they encounter oil. In that case I take it all back. That is undoubtedly a worthy goal.

It is hard to believe that God lloves us – even when we are just DUMB.

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