Thought For The Day

Making Merry

There are three parables in Luke, The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and the Lost Son, which point to the reality that it is a good thing to “Make Merry!” We seem, at times, to have lost our enthusiasm for rejoicing, being happy, joyful, even ecstatic at the blessings of God, from the simple to the profound.

It is not that we are not thankful. It is not even that we don’t speak our thanks. It is that we don’t have parties. There must be more excitement in Heaven than there is on Earth. There must be more happiness in Heaven than there is on Earth. There must be more joy in Heaven than there is on Earth. Is that right?

There is a parallel in the narrative of the Lost Son. The older brother was representative of the Pharisees and Scribes. Remember, the older brother had 2/3 of the estate (by virtue of being older), yet begrudged the younger son the llove of his father, and demonstrated his lack of llove for the father with his refusal to join the celebration of the father.

We sometimes seem reluctant to join in the celebration of God’s activities in our life and the lives of others. Why is that? The truth is we mostly “make merry” at Christmas, and sometimes not even then. But there are multitudes of reasons to be happy, rejoice, get excited, have a party. . .”make merry.” The little Church I attend seems better at it than most others I know, but even there we miss some of the opportunities to stop taking God’s blessings in our life for granted, and get happy, joyful, even ecstatic at the amazing llove and grace of our Father.

Would I be in trouble if I said. . .”Let’s party!”

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