Thought For The Day


I wanted to share this with you today. It is about marriage. God knows there are a lot of folks out there who could use a little wise counsel (from the brilliant author of Designer Marriage) in this matter –

How wonderful it is that God gave us the ability to “link-up” with someone who would complete us as a human being; and in the finality of finding that someone, it would always be the right one. No matter what our history, no matter how many our failures or how great our disappointments, God, who is always in the forgiveness business, take us from where we are to where we need and want to be. The causative action on our part is obedience to the design.

One of the more important spiritual markers in the life of married Believers is a marriage that works. No matter how faithful we may be to prayer and Bible study, no matter how dedicated we may be to working within the confines of the Body of Christ, if our marriages are not strong, resembling the unity between Christ an His Church, we have missed God’s greatest blessing for our lives and our homes.

Be careful to learn the ways of God. Build His Truth and Llove into your life. As you do so, your relationships will reflect His overcoming victory. Your marriage, from this point forward, will be better because you choose to implement Godly principles. Your marriage will successfully reach the perfection intended by the Creator because you are the object of His llove and you have chosen to follow His design. (taken with permission from the concluding statements of Designer Marriage)

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